Friday, 11 January 2013

MechWarrior Tactics Game Info

This Asynchronous Multiplayer Free-To-Play game has you playing as the leader of a mercenary company. You have at your disposal various Mechs to deploy on the field of battle. You are pitted against other players in strategic combat on a hex-based map. Gameplay is turn-based and players can agree upon a time limit for the rounds. This can range from as little as a few minutes to a full day. An initial amount of Mechs and resources are supplied for free to the player. Further weapons, equipment and other resources can be purchased either with real money or with earnt in-game credits. This equipment is contained in "Surplus Technology Armored Containers" or STACs. To prevent players from "buying victory" they are each given an equal amount of points to spend on building their side. This stops players from buying an overpowered army to steam-roll over freemium players, but players with more STACs have more options in what they would like to take into the battle. At the end of each turn a short video displays the result of the carnage. Once the match has ended a video of the entire battle can be viewed.

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